More RevenueĀ 

  • Get a CRO without the CRO Cost
  • GTM frameworkĀ forĀ product-led sales and growth (PLG)
  • SalesĀ funnelĀ optimization for B2B SaaS
  • Sales management and leadership development
  • PLGĀ strategy implementation and management
  • Recruiting for entry level, middle management, and executive suite
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Download the Customer Funnel Worksheet

This worksheet will show you how to track the conversions through your customer funnel and measure the right KPI's to know where you need to be doing more work to achieve prodcut-led sales and company growth. BONUS - Video Guide Included! 

Not just top line revenue

  • Holistic revenue acquisition strategy that lasts longer than it takes you or your CEO to finish that book
  • Top down customer journey audit
  • Conversions throughout the funnel
  • Sales playbook: Sales process, talk tracks, demo, CRM hygiene, and more
  • Go-to-market (GTM) messaging and positioning
  • Product-led sales strategy for GTM
  • Channels: Paid, organic, referrals, partner.
  • Unit economics: CPL, CAC, ACV, MQL>C, etc
  • Plus, everything listed in the other sections
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More Than just a "consultant"

Sales Leadership

  • Leadership framework
  • New manager chasing a promotion or to level up
  • Coaching philosophy
  • Managing the metrics
  • Executive communications
  • Pattern recognition
  • Hiring top talent
    And much more...

Channel Partnerships

  • Channel partner framework
  • Revenue and GTM strategy
  • Leveraging industry partners for referrals
  • Partner types: Referral, affiliate, white label, API
  • Role types and hierarchy planning
  • Partner referral analytics
    And much more... 

RevOps & CRM

  • RevOps Playbook for product-led growth (PLG)
  • Building a foundation for scale
  • How RevOps impacts all of GTM 
  • Tool setup and optimization
  • Team training and hiring
  • Using data to drive PLG decisions
  • Automations, workflows, and reporting
    And so much more...
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